Monday, May 03, 2021

Dusting off the blog …

My buddy Dan has, after being put in FB jail for speaking truth to power, has dialed down his participation on the platform.

I can understand that. If his original content is done elsewhere, he can put a link to it on FB, and those who want to know what he is up to can go and see.

I have done that from time to time, and found that my click-through readers diminish, to judge by comments, but it is a good thought. FB censorship has skewed more and more into Mussoliniland.

 Maybe Liker will come back better, but FB has gone down a bad road, no question.


  1. FB was never really a good platform for anything but keeping up social contacts. I find it useful to keep connected to my far ranging relatives who I don’t get to see otherwise or very often. Most of my FB friends aren’t really good for spirited debate, and I only follow a few thoughtful and thought provoking peeps like you, Steve, and Dan and Barnes. I thank you for being one of the thinkers and tinkers.

  2. 's What I did: move all Facebook posts to my blog and shift to post there. Next is autoposting a link on Facebook.

  3. Dan’s reviving his website. Knowing him, it’ll go in fits and starts for a while, then will be a daily thing. He says he’s going to make it connect with social web protocols, meaning that people can follow him from social-web-enabled systems like Mastodon or any of the Friendica implementations. I’m on Nerdica. It seems to be the best of them, at least by my metrics (YMMV).

  4. Wow, that’s a really old picture of me. Maybe time for an update.

  5. had to figure out how to follow you two on a new app, just to stay in touch and not lose anything. :)

  6. As someone who's had this blog on my favorites bar for many years I'm glad you're back. I've never been on facebook, even with an alias. I sometimes clicked on the icon just to see if anything new had popped up ;) - J
