Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hannam Tenor Uke Sound Check


  1. Hey there buddy, it's called a Sound Check; not a full on performance with nary a missed note.

    (Nicely done! Someone's been practicing.)

  2. Sounding mighty good! Yes, it's definitely time for a CD.

  3. I am told there is a 60-cycle hum in the recording, to go with the snap, crackle, and pop. My ears aren't so good, and my computer speakers don't help. Probably the new LED bulbs. I have noticed that the 60-watt equivalents don't make the noise, but the 100-watters do. Interesting.

    This is via the Blue Yeti USB mike straight into the iMac, no EQ, and for my purposes, that's good enough. I think maybe I have a noise/hum reduction filter on iMovie, but that's more work than I want to do ...
