Sunday, December 21, 2014

Accidental Pro

So, most recent jam session at The Lehrer, it was pouring rain and Saturday holiday shopping madness. Had a handful of players show up, some regulars, couple I hadn't seen before, and Chuck, who runs the show, had to leave early for a gig. Didn't have the white board for the chords, so we fumbled our way along, trying to keep up. Mostly did simple stuff. A few guitars, a baritone uke, beat-box and high hat, and me on the tenor.

We played and sang for a couple hours, had ourselves a fine old time.

There is usually a little beer-bucket on the table, for contributions to defray the cost of the web-presence on Meet Up, I think, and if we remember, we plunk a couple dollars into it for that purpose.

Usually not many patrons that time on a Saturday, a few drift in and out, and I tend to forget that they are there and can hear us. 

At least a couple of times, we got a decent groove going, some okay harmonies and leads, and now and then, the combinations didn't sound too bad.

Toward the end of the session, a couple of customers finished their beer and headed out, and as they did, they dropped a few dollars into the beer bucket as they left.

Whoa! Did we just get paid?

Holy crap! Money? Wow ...

Not that we kept it, it stayed in the bucket, but hey ...


  1. ... and why shouldn't they show their appreciation? Sounds like a win-win-win situation: you enjoyed playing the music, they enjoyed listening to the music, and the beer bucket profited. In all seriousness, please don't quit your day job - you'd leave fans like me desolate! Best wishes for health, wealth, and happiness in the new year! (P.S. Like the new glasses!)

  2. Steve;
    Off topic but check out this great speech about the future of writing by Ursula LeGuin:

    Perhaps you were there?
    John @ Dojo Rat

  3. It's always nice to get a little remuneration for doing what you do. Regardless of the amount, it's a validation that all the energy and money you put into your thing now is worth something to others. The one year I netted $2000 as a dancer (at age 50!) I about wet my pants.
