Monday, August 11, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy Review

So this one is easy: It's a hoot. Go see it.

My son and grandson and I opted for the 2D version, because, save for Avatar, I haven't seen a movie since that 3D benefitted particularly, but we had a fine ole time. 

Funny, silly, whole lot of action, snappy dialog, lovable charters, nasty villains, a giant-tub-of-popcorn experience, about as good a time as you can have at a summer movie. Gonna set a high bar for the rest of the season, this year's Men in Black.

Although I imagine Vin Diesel is going to get a lot of razzing about his voicing of the character Groot. I won't spoil it for you, but you'll know what I'm talking about once you see it. I bet he laughs all the way to the bank ...

I do so hope the the folks doing Star Wars for Disney are paying attention. This is what you need to be doing. Seriously. And not seriously, too ...


  1. Thanks for the review. Since all I've seen is the trailer, I was on the fence about it. I'll add it to my "to do" list.

  2. Yeah, a fun movie indeed, and just what was needed for a summer afternoon. Pam and I both liked it, and we'll probably watch it again on DVD.

  3. Yeah, this is a check-your-adulthood-at-the-door movie and be a kid, and that's what I did.

  4. This is a comic book movie: characterization- minimal, motivation- 3 sentence voice-overs, nuance- about 2 shades between black and white, plot- Grailquest. But...

    It's a fun movie. It pushes the real world off your back for two hours. What more can you really ask for from a movie?

  5. Yes, yes and yes and fun music too! Going to be interesting to see all the Marvel characters they can put in the next big one - good universe that Marvel.

  6. Fun movie for sure. I was on the fence about what to expect from it, but once I saw it for myself I was not a doubter anymore. It struck just the right tone between being serious and humorous. Without a doubt though, I thought Rocket stole the show.
