Monday, June 02, 2014

Game of Thrones (SPOILER)

Those of you who watch the TV series but haven't read the books have had some nasty surprises along the way, and I am here to tell you, more are coming.

But a brief note to address one such surprise that aired recently. If you haven't seen the series and don't want to know, stop reading now ...

There comes a battle of champions sequence, wherein two fighters representing others undergo a trial by combat, thus allowing the gods to decide who is guilty or innocent. Makes little sense, but there you go.

The two men stride into the arena. Whereupon one of the two demonstrates a flashy form with his weapon, demonstrating how very skilled he is.

This trips Martial Arts Movie Truism #5: The fighter who offers a flashy martial arts dance to impress the crowd with how good he is always loses. The serious fighter doesn't screw around with such things, but concentrates on the upcoming match.

If you have seen a lot of such movies, as I confess that I have, there are some memes that offer clues to How Fights are Going to Go. If you haven't read the novels, such memes will help you prepare for what is to come ...


  1. Hey Steve,

    Not to mention when you are just about to win just finish the job. Do not spout off or try to get some confession.

  2. And of course there's always the Evil Overlord list...

  3. Oooo, I thought Evil Overlord had vanished into the mists of time long ago! Nice to know it is still around...

    Also, yes. The Matadors would not have made this mistake.
