Thursday, May 15, 2014


Our jam group, the Closet Musicians–and no, the name doesn't mean we came out of the closet, that's where most of us kept our instruments for years before dusting them off–is doing another gig in a couple weeks.

In an attempt to be ... something, we decided that maybe it was a good idea to get T-shirts with our band's logo on them.

The logo, though it's hard to tell, is a cabinet door, i.e., the "closet door ..."

The problem is, while everybody thought the idea of a T-shirt was fun, agreement on anything else was ... well, there wasn't any agreement. First, was deciding what the logo should be. Then, some of us wanted the shirts in different styles, because we range in size from toothpick-thin to extra-hefty. Some of us wanted the logo big and centered on the front, some liked the idea of a pocket logo, some wanted it down the side or on the back. And leave us not even get into colors.

When, at one point, I allowed as how the logo ought not be be as low on the front as somebody suggested because when you tucked in your shirt, that would hide part of it, I was told that nobody tucked in their shirt except me ...

So, to the end of trying to satisfy everybody, I bought a couple boxes of T-shirt transfers. Here's the deal, I said. I'll send everybody the .jpg of the logo. You print it out, and iron it onto whatever style or color of shirt you want, and wherever you think appropriate. We will be the rainbow coalition ...

Not exactly Solomon, but hey, we try ...


  1. You could be openers for the Rock Bottom Remainders...

  2. Yeah, I'm still waiting for King to invite me to play their next gig. Not holding my breath ...


    "... you can go in to the board of directors and get approval for building a... billion dollar atomic power plant, but if you want to build a bike shed you will be tangled in endless discussions."

    The simpler the project, the more people want to make changes because they can understand them.
