Friday, February 22, 2013

Uke Hunt

There is a great ukulele site, Ukulele Hunt, all kinds of good stuff. The heading is abbreviated to "Uke Hunt."

Here's a fun thing for you: Tool on over to the mall, stand in the food court, and in a loud voice, say that name "Uke Hunt," and watch for the reactions ...


  1. Very non-sequitur (to ukes), and, quite possibly, brought up before, but this surprised me a bit.
    Found on Amazon:

    "Perry's last story before his untimely demise is a dark tale of addiction and murder and the child who is left behind."

    I'm sorry that your demise was untimely; those are the worst.

  2. Yeah, I posted about this when I heard --

    I managed to get the wiki changed, but I still get a note now and then, surprised that I am still alive ...

  3. Strange that Amazon hasn't gotten their shit together, as they still have his book listed in your works (seemed a bit out of place).

  4. Business as usual, in re: Amazon. I've pointed this and other mis-listings out several times -- there are a couple other writers with my name they conflate, but they move like glaciers used to, before global warming ...
