Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays

Book is out–leastways, you can get the epub version, and a couple folks have told me the bookstores have hard copies in hand.

And season's greetings to all. Ho, ho, ho ...


  1. Got mine in the mail from Amazon Christmas Eve...Christmas wins, but I'll start it tonight!

  2. Downloaded mine Sunday night before flying out, finished it yesterday. Rollicking good story and was not expecting the end.

  3. Bought it, read it, liked it. I betWnk's knife is based on your new one, right?

  4. Bought it immediately for kindle and it's next in the rotation

  5. Thanks, I appreciate your business ...
    Yep, that's Chuck Pippin's knife.

  6. Dropped by the B&N by my office today. Sold out. It was there last week when I picked up my copy. Read it over the weekend, and a fun and enjoyable romp!

  7. bought it yesterday, planning to finish it tonight. so far, so good.

  8. Got it, thanks. Third in the queue...

  9. Loved it, aside from the "soliders" (soldiers?) on pp. 103 & 139 - distracting. Looking forward to more!

  10. Good read. Second act was really engaging, lots of meat. Third act was very satisfying and left me looking forward to more tales.

    Really enjoyed the aliens. They read like they had big backstories.

    So...how long til the next one?

  11. Next one is done, and if you like the Vastalimi, a lot of of takes place on their homeworld. Dunno when it's scheduled yet.

  12. This probably isn't the right place to be asking, but is there ever going to be a sequel to Immune Response? Since we'd know who the villain is, I'd love to see chapters from his POV... :) But *any* sequel to it would be great.
