Sunday, November 04, 2012

Time Change

So the fall-back day is here, we gain the hour we supposedly lost in the spring, by cutting it off one end and tying it back to the other ...

I did Orycon on Saturday. Was busy Friday, didn't go, and not today–I usually try to get all my panels and stuff done in two days. Didn't get to do a reading, too bad, I had a couple funny short stories I could have used, but no real complaints.

(Photo by C.P. Timmerman)

Though the hair sure is getting gray out there ...

Had a chance to visit briefly with some folks I enjoyed seeing. 

And a chance to realize how long I've been going to these things ...

After the Kung Fu/Wire Fu martial arts panel, which was interesting and well-attended, I was standing around afterward talking to a couple of martial artists I've known for a few decades. Interesting how the conversation goes with old guys versus younger ones. We all allowed as how we couldn't bust and bang like we did at twenty. How fighting smarter was not only better than fighting harder, it was pretty much the only reasonable option. 

Your physical hopes and expectations change because your abilities change. You have to live with some restrictions because this or that creaks and groans in ways they didn't when you were young and bulletproof. But you also have options because your skill allows you to cheat your way past some of that.

Does make you think ...

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