Friday, November 23, 2012

New Anthology Idea

Writer Trent Zelazny and editor and publisher Warren Lapine are noodling with the idea of an anthology of stories to honor Trent's father, Roger. The theme will be tales featuring characters from RZ's extensive list of books and stories, with one exception: Amber is off-limits.

One can contribute to the funding for this at Indiegogo, and I've already done so. Unless it gets funded, it will be invitation-only. I would love to get a chance to write something in Roger's universe, especially Lord of Light, my all-time favorite SF novel. (I have a scene in mind: Yama walks into Sam's bar and as they talk about old times, they are attacked by ... well, I won't give it away, just in case I get a shot at it ...)


  1. I want to do a story set in the "My Name is Legion" universe ... titled "Legion." There's in-novel speculation about others in that universe who escaped into the shadows when the universal database was set up -- it always seemed to me that there had to be, both others like the narrator and government ops ...

  2. I've always wanted to see something more in Isle of the Dead's universe... Like something with another of the Pei'ian gods...

  3. Isn't there a large collection of short stories by Roger Zelazny which were written as back story for each character but which were never published?

    AIUI, for each major character he would write a short story about them to flesh out characterization and background, then set it aside, only referencing it, never actually using it (save for once when he needed a story for an anthology and submitted it).

    Have these been published? If not, will they be?
