Monday, October 08, 2012

Chapstick Country

Odd weather around the country this year, and no less so here. Coming off one of the wettest springs since they started keeping records, we are now into the driest summer on record. One tiny bit of measurable rain on one day in July, that's it. 

This week, we had an east wind that, along with dropping trees and a lot of small limbs hither and yon, also dropped the relative humidity into the teens, getting into Las Vegas numbers along about Friday. 11%? That's not Willamette Valley, that's Mojave Desert dry, and membranes do get crispy ...

Supposedly the rain will start this weekend, at least there is a fair chance of it, and it will be a relief to folks whose lawns have been crackling underfoot, and those of us who are starting to look like lizards every time we come back from walking the dogs. Much more of this? We'd have to start wearing stillsuits and setting the thumpers for the sandworms ...

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