Friday, August 17, 2012

Cover Flat

Got the cover flat for the next book, courtesy of my editor at Ace, Ginjer. On sale 24 December, for those of you–and you know who you are–who hold off on your Christmas shopping until the last minute ...


  1. WOOOO so excited! Can't wait good sir, can't wait. Just hope its not as good as Musashi Flex (the first book of yours I'd ever read), I finished it over the course of 3 days, and trying not to finish it fast. Okay maybe I do hope its that good..

    I also recently read that you wrote the episodes for batman animated series? Could you divulge more into that? or maybe you blogged about it a while ago? I loved it as a kid.

  2. I had parts of five or six episodes, B:TAS, and the follow up, BATMAN AND ROBIN. Most notably, the samurai and Ninja tales. A multiple-parter with Clayface, one with Bane, like that.

  3. Love your T-shirt, Steve! I'm still laughing over it. Looking forward to the new book as well.
