Friday, June 08, 2012

Spring Reading List

I don't read as much as I once did. Fewer books, fewer magazines, though I now check blogs, so that takes up some of the room. As I look at what I've been reading for the last few weeks, I have managed to keep my paddle in the literary waters:

Brad Paisley's Diary of a Writer
Thomas Perry's Poison Flower
Stephen King's 11/22/63 and Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole
Joe Lansdale's Edge of Dark Water
Ace Atkins' The Ranger, The Lost Ones, and Lullaby (this last, a Spenser novel)
Phillip Kerr's Field Gray
Michael Stanley's Death of the Mantis
John Sandford's  Stolen Prey
Gregg Allman's My Cross to Bear
Greg Rucka's Alpha
Tim Powers' Hide Me Among the Graves
Kathleen Riley's The Astaires: Fred & Adele
Elmore Leonard's Road Dogs
Robert Crais' Taken
Mo Hayder's Skin
Carrie Fisher's Shockaholic
Tom Piazza's Devil Sent the Rain

Currently in the queue:

Christopher Buckley's Supreme and Boomsday
John Irving's In One Person
China MiƩville's Railsea
Larry Correia's Monster Hunter: Legion
Kristen Iversen's  Full Body Burden


Edward Maisel's seminal book Tai Chi for Health. This one was first published in the mid-1960's, and I picked up my first copy around 1970, when it was still pretty much the only book in English on the subject. Yang style. 

Plus the local daily newspaper; The New Yorker, (weekly); The Fretboard Journal, and Guitar World Acoustic.


  1. I liked it. His character is not quite as bulletproof as Child's Reacher, but there is something of that flavor there. And the setting is dead-on.

  2. In fact, I would offer that all of these on the list are readable -- pretty much these days, if I don't like a book, I put it down, so if I read it all the way through, it had something that held me to the end.
