Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury

Last of the big four from the Golden Age of science fiction has passed away. The ABC's and H, as they were known: Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke, and Heinlein. Bradbury made it to ninety-one. 

If you don't know who he was, there's no help for you here ...

When I started writing, I came across a Bradbury how-to advice piece, said something to the effect of, If you write a short story a week for about twenty years, you'll start to get good at it. That was my goal, though I made it only about forty weeks before I crashed and burned.

Adios, Ray. You told some swell stories. 


  1. "Fahrenheit 451" is a must have book. I hope to purchase a copy of it, and read it again very soon. May Ray's soul rest in peace.
    - Azar Hassan

  2. First story I read of his was "The Man Upstairs".

  3. I'm trying to think who from that generation of authors is left. Harry Harrison is still alive in Denmark, and Fred Pohl is still blogging, but I think they and Ray Bradbury were the last famous ones. How few remain ...

    Even Niven and Pournelle and the other Silver Age writers are getting long in the tooth.
