Friday, April 06, 2012

New Cable Channel

I'm thinking I could start a cable TV channel, the AC–for Alzheimer's sufferers. It would be really easy to do the programming, because you'd only need just the one ...


  1. Hmm. Idea. A cable channel, on which all we see is a view from a window, in hour-long segments, from windows around the world. No narration. Maybe some captions.

    Once the initial filming is done (say, 48 hours from 50 cities around the world), production costs are next to nil unless it's really popular and you need to film more. Maybe get a celebrity who's selling their fancy house to allow filming from their windows to see their views.

    At 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., maybe show 3 to 4 p.m. in Paris one day, Portland the next, then Hawaii, then Cleveland, and so on.

    Hmm. Maybe not.

  2. We get an international weather update from about 10 cities from around the world before 'regular programming resumes'.

    Seems someone has already thought of it....
