Tuesday, April 24, 2012


It hardly seems fair that Chuck Pippin can do the knife and the leather, but as you can see, he can. Here, the roughed-out sheath for the cylinder knife he built. 

You can't see the tiny magnets that were strong enough to raise a blood blister on his finger when he peeled them apart, and they didn't like that; those are embedded in the body, and will be used to hold the blade in place, no strap necessary.

The belt carry will be canted butt-forward, edge leading, making the draw icepick-style.

This has been a fascinating story for me to watch unfold, starting with naught but a slab of steel and wood (and more than a little talent and craft) and coming to the denouement.

Stay tuned. 


  1. Chuck does a great job with leather; he always impresses me.

  2. Leatherworking is not that complex, you should try it. Actually, everyone should try their hand at all crafts. One of the most interesting science fiction concepts along this vein was John Varley's Titanides from his Gaea trilogy --- they didn't sleep, but instead spent a significant time in a trance state where they would work on repetitive ornamental crafts to rest and relax.

  3. Oh, yeah, I've played with leather work a bit. Nothing fancy, but I came from the Tandy days, where we made wallets and belts and such in class.

    I've done a couple of crude knife sheathes, plus a paddle holster for a kerambit:



    But this is like playing a guitar -- I do that pretty much every day and I have a few chops, but that only makes me appreciate somebody who is really good at it that much more ...

  4. You have to watch where you carry that knife, as in some states/localities a double edged weapon is against the law. Some of the laws / regulations even have carrying one a felony. Some say it is ok if you are hunting, but not anytime else. It is really a confusing set of rules.

  5. Yeah, I know from daggers; this one isn't -- spear point, single-edge. Hard to tell in the sheath pictures, but If you look at the earlier images of the knife, you can see that the spine is about a quarter-inch thick.

    Around here, a belt knife in the open is legal carry.
