Friday, March 02, 2012

Son of Arm Candy

I had intended to do a before and after photo on the arm candy post I put up a few days back. Show the bruise, work it for a couple days with balur, then reveal how it had healed right up, through the miracle of Javanese goop applied with vigor.

Thing is, if you go back to class and bang it again before it heals right up completely? It, uh, doesn't look better.

So this is what you get ...

Before (above) 

After ...


  1. I don't know what "Javanese goop" is, but after my 50 shows in 48 days getting powerbombed and backdropped, I became a firm supporter of arnica. Great for bruises, especially. Are you familiar?

  2. Yep, arnica is one of the ingredients in balur. Stuff I use comes from Mushtaq Ali or Todd Ellner -- here's the recipe:

    make my own Balur based on Mushtaq Ali Al-Ansri's ( recipe, which he has kindly allowed us to use. The ingredients aren't secret. In fact, they are...
    Anthemis Nobili chamomile flower
    Rheum Sina Chinese Rhubarb root
    Panax Ginseng
    Hydrocotyle Asictica Gotu Cola
    Smilax Indica Indian Sarasprilla
    Rubia Cordifolia manjishta
    Arnica Montana Arnica flower
    Cnicus Benedictus blessed thistle
    Boswellia Carterii frankincense
    Caryophyllus Aromaticus clove
    Cinnamomum Camphora camphor
    Angelica Sina Dong qwi
    Commiphoria Myrrha myrrh
    Curcuma Longa turmeric
    Hamamelis Virginiana witch hazel
    Calendulla Officinalis Calendulla flower
    Sanguis Draconis Dragon’s Blood
    in a base of organic coconut oil
