Sunday, March 04, 2012

Mmm, Mmm, Good!

Take an apple, a banana, an orange, some cranberries, fresh spinach and a little water and hit high on the blender and what do you get? 

A spinach smoothie ...

Don't have to add sugar because there is plenty of sweetness in the fruit

Of course, it looks like split pea soup without the ham, but it does taste a lot better than it looks. And if you  don't get enough vegetables with your meals–that would be me–it's a great way to get the healthy goodies without having to cook the stuff so it loses whatever nutritional value it has.


The only drawback to fresh vegetable juice is that it tends not to keep very long. Carrot juice in particular after two days turns into something that starts trying to shove the refrigerator door open to crawl out looking to devour hapless teenagers. Still; make less, drink it fresh, it's all good. 

I got your V-8 right here ...


  1. Love those things, I try to throw as much as possible in, a little ginger really makes things interesting.

  2. Don't knock the old carrot juice trying to get out of the fridge....could be potential new readers in the future.

  3. A lot of folk believe that if you don't drink it in the first half-hour, a lot of the nutrients start to degrade. Just throwing that out there. My girlfriend puts far less fruit, and far more collard greens and kale in mine; pity me. :P
