Monday, February 06, 2012

Super Bowl Commercials

We watched the game, of course, we always do, a tradition started by one of my football player kung fu students thirty-odd years ago in Louisiana. Jim was a place-kicker at LSU. Went on to become a sportscaster on TV. How can you not watch the Super Bowl?! he asked us. 

So we had a party and did, and that became our yearly football fix.

Go pee while they are playing, be sure to get back for the commercials. Saw the original Mac ad in the early eighties. Saw Janet's hooter. Mean Joe Green for Coke ...

We rooted for the Giants. We liked their helmets better.

This year, they were hit-and-miss, the commercials, but there were several at which I grinned. 

Car commercials mostly ruled. Top of that list, the Chevy truck drivers after the Mayan Calendar apocalypse, with the Ford reference and the Twinkies. The exploding vampires for Audi. The Kia bring-me-a-dream sequence.

And you gotta love The Dog Strikes Back, for VW. I mean, really. Clever. I didn't see it coming and as a Star Wars geek, how could I not laugh?

There were a couple other long-forms, Matthew Broderick's Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and Jerry Seinfeld, also car commercials, Honda and Accura, respectively. Most of the audience won't get most of the references in either, I suspect. 

Much amused at the Great Dane Dorito missing-cat hush-money spot. 

Far and away the winner? Clint Eastwood's Half Time in America, for Chrysler. Yeah, it was a button-pusher and string-puller, but it was Clint Fucking Eastwood, wasn't it ... ?

1 comment:

  1. I've lived in Wisconsin most of my life. So if the Packers aren't in the Superbowl, it can be bumped by a good episode of "Big Bang Theory" or "Law & Order SUV".
