Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Lest you think I'm totally against the notion of modern art, after my previous post on the subject, I confess I've always liked Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase," above. I suspect anybody who has done psychedelic drugs could look at that, nod and get it. Yeah, sure, the trails, man, the trails ...

Quite the scandal when it was first shown. Teddy Roosevelt nearly had a heart-attack he was hurrying so fast to tell people it wasn't art ...

Of course, I still believe that Ramos' "Nude Descending a Staircase (below) is, while not so avant-garde, more, um ... fun ...


  1. I like the 2nd for some reason - and do like some modern art that rings a bell....but that 1st one could be named - nude crashes down the stairs.

  2. ....nude crashes down the stairs and gets some splinters.
