Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Got to love the weather around here. Last night, it began to snow, and by one a.m., we had a couple of inches on the ground. At one-thirty, it turned to rain, and by eight this a.m., it was mostly washed away.

My gumball trees out front? Still haven't lost all their leaves yet ...


  1. Up on the border islands north;

    1-3 feet snow depending where you are, heavy wind, sideways snow, 12 degrees last I checked...

  2. catedIt's Wednesday afternoon in Aldergrove B.C. (about a sixty minute drive out Vancouver B.C.).

    In four days we've had two feet of snow. It is currently minus twelve degrees(-12).

    Where I grew up in Alberta, this was nothing out of the ordinary.

    Here, the local university has been closed for one and a half out of the last two days.

  3. Wow. Port Townsend was in the mountain rain shadow, I don't think we had any snow while I lived there.

    Happy to live in a relatively temperate valley, I am.
