Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Matadors Go Wide

So, after a note from Dan Moran urging me to it, I uploaded the rest of the Matador novels to In theory, all of them should be available there starting tomorrow. In theory.

Dan will continue to offer them on the Fat Sam site, and will likely clump some of them together into omnibuses–omnibi?–in the somewhen future. (He got a new job, lotta money, and he's apt to be busy for a time. Good on him.)

Anyway, you should be able to see the list by clicking on the button down there on the right, urging you to buy even more ebooks. Or here, starting manana.

Editor's Note: The titles are all live, save for Black Steel; I tagged it incorrectly with the info for Brother Death, so I fixed that. Twelve hours, so they say. If anybody is waiting and tapping their foot, it's the second-to-last in the series–read the others first and get back to it. Or drop by Dan's store and get it there. Costs the same, and you get more versions that you can read on a plethora of devices anyhow. 


  1. They all seem to be available now, actually. I just bought The Man Who Never Missed, all the other buy now links look live.

  2. Yeah, it's faster now than it used to be. When I first started putting stuff up there, it took 2-3 days to go live. Now they say 12 hours, and sometimes it doesn't take that long.

  3. OFF TOPIC...

    Hey Steve,

    try this at your next gig... :-)

  4. So cool, five players on a single guitar. Got to love the guy playing above the nut ...

  5. Cool!
    Thanks Steve.

    I know what doing next pay check.

