Saturday, January 28, 2012

Gig II

So, second gig with the Closet Musicians: Background music at a quilt show in a local Methodist church. 

Only cost us two cans of food to get in. 

Rock and Roll!

I'm sure I saw Paul Allen in the crowd, waiting for a chance to demand that we sell him our guitars for his Rock Museum in Seattle ...

Played for an hour, took a break, did another forty-five minutes, and realized we didn't really have enough material, once we took out the songs that weren't entirely appropriate for church. Couldn't do "Little Egypt," or "Johnny Wadd is Dead," now, could we?

Had one of our regular's granddaughters sit in with us. She's five.

Screwed up a couple, got a few harmonies all right. Our best number, there was no applause. Probably stunned that we pulled one off ...

Um. Anyway, we all decamped to Buster's Barbecue afterward and ate spicy critter flesh and baked beans and all like that, and had a fine old time.

Look for us on Public Access Cable Channel 11 or 22. CDs will be available ...

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