Thursday, January 26, 2012


Apparently my family didn't pass along either the shopping or furniture-moving gene to the male side of the line. 

I buy things, but don't spend a lot of time dawdling about when I do it. This one? Or that one? That one. Ring it up.

Furniture at my mother's house? In all in the same places it was put fifty years ago when they moved in. Probably how it would be at my house, were it up to me. 

Of course, it isn't up to me, is it?

My wife inherited both genes. She loves to shop, and every so often, furniture must be moved. In the latter category, yesterday was the start off another episode of musical chairs. And tables. And bookcases, and the wardrobe armoire ...

It's cheaper than moving to another house, which is the first choice when this comes upon my wife. And after forty-five years, I've gotten used to it ...

1 comment:

  1. Love the image of the guy moving the furniture w/ a bicycle --- reminds me of when I was a kid in Korea and my parents had purchased a pair of lacquer chests made by a local craftsman --- who delivered them himself on a bicycle to the foot of the hill where my grandmother lived, parked the bike, picked up the two chests (they were roped together) and hauled them up the slope which was too steep to ride up.

    Still have the chests, one in the living room, the other in the master bedroom....
