Thursday, December 08, 2011

Soft Target Book Review

Stephen Hunter's most recent novel. You should get it. 


  1. gotta agree.. i am half way through.. such a great read. And if you are a big gun fan... even more of a reason!! Hunter is actually being interviewed on a fantastic radio show on March 3rd. I think you would enjoy it... the host always asks some amazing questions.. heres a link to where you can listen. It's a facebook page but theres a website on there as well.

  2. I already read the book, it was fantastic even though it is not one of Hunter's best. I am reading reviews to get a gist of how others feel about it before I listen to him on the same show Susie is talking about! Ive been a Book Report fan for a long time and its nice to see the show mentioned more amongst my friends and online. If you miss the airing of the show you can always catch it in the archives on the website, it is a treasure trove if you have time.
