Friday, November 25, 2011

You're Gonna Love This Part ...

(Pictures by Chuck's son, Nate)

So a note from Chuck Pippin. Seems that he noticed a slight warp in the blade when he was done. Not major, but, he said, he would know it was there. So ...

So, he just up and made another blade. Bap! Just like that. And it's already heat-treated, eight-hundred grit polished, and he likes it better, since the tang is a little longer, and the shoulders are cleaner and like that.

Note: The blade will be etched, to bring out the damascus grain. 

Wow. How interesting is that, to be able to just, you know, whip out a second blade?

He's thinking about using the same material for the guard, which would be way cool, and sending along some images of the handle material he's considering.

Makes me want to jump up and down. Of course, I'm too dignified and old for that. 

Sorta ...


  1. If it will work - how much for the other blank shaved down to a caper?

  2. Wow! That is amazing he just popped another blade out! Not many people would do that - great job. Looks good, too. Good to see Chuck really putting the effort in, it clearly shows in his work.

  3. looking good - make sure you get insurance on those when they get shipped. be a shame for them to get lost in transit.
