Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Music that Will Endure

For some reason this morning, I remembered an exchange I had with a young wanna-be writer, back in the paper mail days. We were discussing Art and Literature and Music and all like that, and this kid allowed as how the best musical group of the twentieth century, the one that would be remembered a hundred, even five hundred years down the line, revered above all others was ...


I remembered laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee on myself when I read that. 

Of course, none of us will be here in a hundred or five hundred years to see, and probably stranger things have happened, but ... a show of hands: Supertramp?


  1. Yeah, but even if we were leaving out other forms of music from the 20th Century -- jazz, blues, country, big band, and confining it to R&B and rock? Elvis? Beatles? Stones? Chuck Berry? Beach Boys? Springsteen? The whole Brill Building assembly line?

    Motown's whole wall of sound? Michael Jackson?

    Pretty good album, sure, but 'c'mon. Five hundred years? Scratch anybody under thirty and ask them who Supertramp is, only way they'd know is if they heard their parents old records and CDs ...

  2. No, there were great albums from the 70's. They stand the test of time and get remembered.

    Supertramp was good, not great.

  3. yeah Supertramp,Hootie and the Blowfish, and Right Said Fred...probably the only music from the 20th century that my great great grandchildren will know about

  4. I suppose saying that Supertramp was the logical choice will get me booed off the stage... ;)
