Friday, November 18, 2011

Got Dem Backed Up Toilet Blues

Some stories just cry out to be told: The USS George H.W. Bush, a new, eight-billion-dollar aircraft carrier, has a major headache–pun intended. The vacuum system for the toilets is screwed up, and more than a few of the suckers are malfunctioning. Not flushing, or backing up, and the ship's Captain has seen to it that those have been locked. Which results in about six thousand sailors in serious need of places in which to take a dump ...

Half the johns are apparently down, and waiting times in some parts of the ship can run to half an hour ...

And you gotta love the Captain's name, too. Brian Luthor. Whose nickname is–anybody?–yep, that's right: "Lex."

Picture it: You are a sailor on a ship working for Lex Luthor, standing in line every time you need to go pee. 

Join the Navy and see the hallway ...

Apparently some of the stoppages are due to folks sticking things into the toilets that ought not go into them, but even so, you have to wonder. You'd think for eight billion and change, one could get some place to go crap better than hanging one's ass out over the rail.

Yoo, hoo, sailor! New in town? Want to party? What? You want to use my bathroom ... ?


  1. Vacuum systems??? WTF last time I checked gravity still worked.

    Another over complicated system breaks down.

    Sailors are idiots and will flush anything.

    I should know I used to work in the pipeshop on the USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71.

  2. Now that the ship is in home port, let's hope they will repair the heads before the next DET in April.
