Friday, November 04, 2011

Emile and the Matadors

Okay, the sidebar lists the the titles available, all at Dan Moran's store, FS&–save for The Musashi Flex, which Ace still has up at I added a link to that one, too.

They are in chronological order, not the original publication sequence. And Dan has added a neat timeline at the end of each book, showing what happened, when. More or less, taking into account where I got sloppy with details ...

Click on an image, it will take to the store. And here's the sales pitch: If you want these in ebook form and would like to see Dan and me make a little money, this is the only place you can legally find them. 

Eventually, they'll show up on, but what you get with Dan are five versions of a title: epub; plain PDF; and a POD .PDF. (For those you who want a hardcopy. Take the file to a POD store at any big U, or send it to one of the online places, they can produce a treeware book.) Also you get html, and .mobi. This will give you at least one way to view the books on pretty much any device that will allow it: smart phone, laptop, tablet, dedicated book reader, or a computer. 

Dan went to a lot of effort, and his piece of the action isn't very big, so the more copies we sell, the happier we'll both be. Christmas is coming–already I'm inundated with TV ads reminding me in case I  somehow forgot–and you were thinking of getting that e-reader, right? Get some books to go with it ...



  1. Steve:

    Just picking the new ones up now. Thanks again for taking the time and doing this.
