Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Capo Up

Original Performance (above)



Stars & Stripes

Those of you who are guitarists know what a capo is; those who don't, it's a device that clamps onto the neck of your guitar and barres a fret, sharpening the strings, raising the key by steps, depending on where you put it.

There are all kinds of these, ranging from those that use rubber straps to those that are clamped in place by screws or springs or cams.

Most guitarists own one or more, and we tend favor one style over the others.

Years ago, I found a new one just out by a company in the U.K. called G7th. I bought it, loved it, and my only complaint was that it only went to the fifth fret on a classical guitar (due to the width of the neck, which is wider than most steel string acoustics.)

I mentioned this to the people who made it, and also mentioned the thing in one of the Clancy novels, and in a while (2006) they came out with a model for classical or twelve strings, with a longer barre arm. 

I got one of those, too.

Since, G7th has produced a couple new models, a lightweight spring-operated one, the Memphis, and recently, one that uses both a cam and a set-screw, also lighter than the original, the Newport.

The pictures tell the story, but the real fun for me was when I went to their website and checked out their models. They have some fancied up versions. Check out the Gold and the American flag models. I paid about thirty bucks for mine, back when I got them, and they run about nine bucks more now. But–they've come out with some collector's editions, for players with bucks to spend, using various crystals.

The gold version runs  £450, and the Stars & Stripes, £539.00, current conversion makes that about $700 and $845.

In case you were wondering what to get me for Christmas ...

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