Thursday, September 29, 2011

Writing Biz

Those of you who are professional writers, or aspiring to same, would do well to check out Kris Rusch's blog, especially her most recent post on the fear in publishing. 

If you haven't been keeping up with things, ebooks are becoming a game-changer, and's new tablet–which is only $199–is going to be shipping in the next month or two. I don't think it will be the iPad killer, there are still a lot of bells and whistles the new Kindle Fire won't have, but it is going to pull more people into the notion that ebooks have some advantages, not the least of which is storing your books in the cloud.

As e-readers get cheaper, more people will indulge their curiosity, and some, if not many of them, will stick around the platform.

That ebook-train I keep talking about? It's getting to the "All aboard!" stage. 

It will be leaving the station soon. 

This is stuff you need to know if you are in the writing or publishing biz. Really. 

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