Friday, September 30, 2011

Paper Emmy

Came across this wallpaper behind a stack of books on a shelf, so I thought I'd show it off.

Batman: The Animated Series was on for a couple seasons back in the early nineties. There were spinoffs, but I didn't work on those.

It was fun. First, because everybody connected to it loved the characters. Second, because it was aimed at adults and not kids. And it didn't hurt that my collaborator was one of the story editors.

The series was nominated twice for an Emmy™ in the Best Animated Series category, and won once. I had parts of several of the episodes, but the way the award was structured, only the story editors got the hardware. So my collaborator Reaves has the hood ornament on his shelf, and my contribution merited this ...

I think that award has since been changed, maybe even eliminated.

Ah, well. So much for fame ...


  1. The one with the samurai, right? Ky-o-di or something like that?

    My assistant manager at the music store is a total Batman fan boy,(and I enjoyed the hell out of that series while it was on). He found it very impressive that my favorite author wrote for Batman.

  2. That's pretty cool! Batman, Spider-Man, and X-men in the 90's are the staples for superhero cartoons as far as I'm concerned.
