Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hmm. Houston, We Have a Problem

Apparently, my blog has been hacked. (No, they didn't send the picture, it just seems appropriate.)

Several recent posts have disappeared, and since I didn't make them go away, either Blogger has a problem or I do.

Blogger doesn't seem to have a problem, they tell me. Maybe it's a small and invisible technical glitch.

I checked with a couple bloggers, no problems there. Well, no more than usual ...

Stay tuned. I'm changing passwords and all like that. If you can't read this, lemme know ...


  1. Nope. I can't read any of the stuff above, and most certainly not the final request

  2. Hmm,maybe it's the scammer upset that you've exposed him? After all, that post disappeared.

  3. No telling. I pissed off a few people here, kicked a couple out, had one stomp off in high dudgeon.

    Somebody once signed me up for a bunch of stuff, magazines, video-of-the-month, like that.

    Near as I can tell, the others posts were about music and the weather and such. Seems odd anybody would take those and not something with more heft.

    Anybody smart enough to hack in would probably be smart enough to know that killing five people to hide the one you really wanted dead never works on the detective shows ...

    And it could just be a system glitch Blogger doesn't know about. Or some malware in my computer, though my viral software says there isn't any. Sunspot. Cosmic ray ...

  4. I downloaded an attachment from my sister's email to me that had a picture of my niece in her new career garb - real estate agent- and then got a bunch of pictures that downloaded/showed at the same time that didn't have anything to do with the sister email....namely a few of your posted pictures that I had seen earlier in the night or day before and some bobbed motorcycles I had checked out earlier in the evening or the day before....some of your pictures I remember seeing were the Beaverton one and your blue/green ebook Matador Series covers....could it be from that new site for sales - I didn't buy anything yet - still don't have a reader and hate trying to read on the computer but I did check out that link....are you still having problems? I did a scan and nothing bad showed. I did delete the pictures on my end....they downloaded from something fishy picked up somewhere - I didn't intentially download them from your site or the new sale offense. I am no computer whiz but can push wrong buttons well.

  5. Seems to be okay, Ed. I changed the password, and have posted a couple new items, they're still there.

    No reports from anybody that my email is doing hinky stuff.

    Anything that's up on my site is an easy grab. Might be something as simple as tapping a couple keys at the same time by accident while in a browser.

  6. Glad all is well now....I'll have to hunt and peck better....still it seemed goofy. I can read all your stuff well except the "New Matador Books" - I am still having a problem seeing them. ;)

  7. Oh, you missed that? Where I had the new books up for a limited time, and then decided to take them off the market because I wasn't happy with them ... ?

  8. One thing I have done from time to time is copy some of your instructural posts....well, that is before I bought them after you put some of them together. I did and do appreciate you doing that. By the way - where did those ebooks go....they used to be for sale on your site?

  9. New books - limited time - not happy with them....funny....I can still wait - have to...cuz I sure as shit can't write good ones myself.

  10. Pretty much all my ebooks are either at FSand,, or Smashwords. I took the links to PayPal down, except for one on the martial arts blog.

  11. Is that kind of like asking if there's anyone absent, they need to speak up now?

  12. "Oh, you missed that? Where I had the new books up for a limited time, and then decided to take them off the market because I wasn't happy with them ... ?"

    Let me guess, you're going to tweak and change things, make Sleel a real gentleman, and the Confed not nearly so evil? Y'know... do the whole George Lucas/Star Wars thing?

  13. Thinking of Lucas, 'cause it just popped into my head and I figured I'd share...

    I like how Isaac Asimov handled changes and advances in technology as he wrote and revisited the Foundation books. He just ignored the conflict, and incorporated things. Oh, well, if there wasn't perfect harmony across the books. It was up to the reader to cope. So when computers advanced in ways and directions unpredictable... he just incorporated the changes as if they'd been there all along.
