Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Your Wurst Nightmare ...

I know a guy who is going to India as a medical tourist–he needs an operation and can't afford to get it done in the U.S. The doctors are good there, and they work cheaper. If you belong to an HMO, chances are you already have an Indian doctor.

As a joke, I sent him a Hindi phrase:

Pretty funny, I thought.

Then I came across this news item ...

For those of you who don't click on links, it concerns a civil suit in Kentucky. Guy having surgery by his urologist woke up and, hello! His penis had been amputated. 

Apparently, the patient had signed a consent form for whatever was necessary, and the surgeon allowed as how he found cancer in the willie, so he ... loped it off.

Oh, my. Just think about that for a moment. You drift off into your drugged slumber, wake up, and your dick is gone. Isn't that special?

"Ladies–and especially gentlemen–of the jury, put yourself into my client's position, if you would. Imagine how you would feel ... "

I mean, the defense lawyer better hope he can impanel a jury consisting solely of women, because any guy who is on it is going to award a shitload of money to the plaintiff. And however much it is, it isn't enough ...