Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Weather Here is Delightful

84º F. here, a lovely summer's day. While the rest of the country has been sweltering, we are are also close to a new record in Portland, Oregon. The season's not over, but while we average thirteen days of 90º-plus here each year (with usually a couple 100º days thrown in) so far we have not gotten into that range. Not once.

Contrast that to, say, Dallas, Texas, which had what? Forty days of 100º in a row? My. No wonder Rick Perry wants to be President. So he can move. Though the District has had a few warm days of its own ...

If this holds through the next four or five weeks, it will be the first time since 1954 Portlanders haven't had a 90º day in a year. And that's only happened twice here in a hundred and thirty-four years. 

Might hit 85º Sunday, so they say. 

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