Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Seen this? A gauntlet made of cotton, Nomex and Kevlar, rigged with fun electronic toys, including a stun gun, laser-pointing videocam, a noisemaker, option for an iPhone, and about to go into the field, courtesy of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department ...

The Armstar site encourages input from potential customers as to features they'd like to see.

Spetsdöd? Gravity knife? Vader grip?

Starts with an arm, then two, pretty soon the legs, next thing you know, Robocop.

Gotta love it. 


  1. Neat idea. Very skeptical about how well it will work. Looks like the design team is kind of short on real police experience...

    Among the problems I see is that it's bulky and doesn't really provide capabilities that aren't already available, often better, in stand alone devices.

    There's also a public perception concern... Do we want cops looking like RoboCop?

    I could see some version MAYBE for SWAT or riot control... but that's a big maybe.

  2. Looks like something that would fall out of the sky and attach itself to some unsuspecting teenage boy or girl. Who would then ether go on killing rampage when they slept, or they would fight crime.


  3. Great. We already have a problem with the overuse of stun guns, by law enforcement, in wildly inappropriate situations. Now there will be a bunch of guys, in their early 20's, that suckled off the teat of Hollywood all their lives, given Iron Man's left arm. What could go wrong?

    However (sigh), part of me still wants one.

  4. I'm not sure if this will lead to "RoboCops" or to the "Mobile Infantry" of Heinlein's "Starship Troopers."

  5. Suggested movie script: law enforcement microcircuitry in the arm takes over the subconscious mind of the police officer. Soon the morgue is overflowing with terminated jaywalkers.

  6. Yeah, bad idea. I've seen enough 80's sci-fi shows to know that when these things get struck by lightning they become self aware.
