Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Long Delayed Verse in the Song of Fire and Ice ...

Just a heads-up for Railroad Martin fans: A Dance with Dragons hits the racks–and one assumes, the internet ebook charts–on July 12th. 

As it happens, I have a copy, but pushing a thousand pages, I probably won't get done reading it before the pub date ...


  1. Just curious, but are advanced reader copies sent out electronically or physically these days? I can imagine physically is better "to thwart them thar pirates", but also it's gotta be pretty tempting to be able to quickly distribute them electronically as well.

  2. Mine was hard copy. I dunno about electronic versions.
    The hardback weighs about four pounds ...

  3. I did the pre-order.
    I can't wait to get the book!!!
    I wrote a review of the series here

    My blogmates were intrigued enough to watch the series and a few people decided to read the books.

    I really enjoy Martin's writing and can't wait to see what happens next.

  4. Yep, Book Five in the trilogy, and the monster haven't even made it over the wall. So long I've forgotten who's still alive and who's dead.

    He swore when he got started he was only gonna do three ...
