Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Keep Portland Weird

If you've seen Portlandia, or you live around here, you get it that Portland considers itself unique. Look no farther than Voodoo Donuts. Can't get the Nyquil or the Pepto anymore, but the Cock-and-Balls is still available. It looks like what it says, and is filled with white cream ...

Or you can check out the naked bike ride held every year. Several thousand folks get naked or mostly so and bike through the streets of the city, cops fore and aft. 

Imagine yourself on a cross-country trip with the kids driving into the city one evening, looking for a B.K. or Mickey D's and you come around the corner and see this parade ...


  1. I liked the Police response. It's not illegal unless you're making ooh-ooh or trying to make other people want to make ooh-ooh. But please wear shoes and helmets for safety.

  2. I always did like Portlandia; makes me think of what might have happened if Laredo Taft had taken LSD. And while I'm not a city guy by any means, I could live in Portland: a great place. Weird can be good.
