Monday, May 23, 2011

eBook News

Here's something I saw today: Apparently is going to start accepting ebook submissions in ePub format and not just Word or .mobi. 

That will open up a larger door there, and I suspect, move us closer to a standardized format. Make life easier for publishers, including those of us who limit ourselves to publishing our own stuff. 

Big wheel keeps on turnin' ...


  1. AIUI, they're going to accept ePub files, then transcode them into .mobi.

    Not a big win, your spiffy formatting and fonts will be stripped out, &c.

  2. Hmm. Didn't see that part.

  3. I have it from the horse's mouth that the best way to submit books to is in HTML.

  4. After doing hours of formatting for Smashwords that still looked like crap -- random bolding, indents, etc. -- requiring me to scrap it and reformat from scratch, Kindle formatting was a dream! I don't know that it took more than a half-hour, and looked flawless upon skimmed inspection.
