Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Gun Safety

I had occasion to buy an airsoft revolver recently, for purposes of training. While I favor S&W, the closest thing I could find–at a reasonable price–was a copy of a Colt, looks kinda like a snub-nosed Python or maybe a King Cobra, with the little red muzzle ring to show it's not a real firearm. Plastic and not what you'd call a precision machine, but for twenty-five bucks, you don't get a Korth ...

This a bottom-of-the-line thing, fires plastic BBs, 6mm, I think, and it's not a tack-driver. It will hit a big target up close, and that's all I want. Six rounds, plastic shells for the BBs, and it only shoots single action, using a spring and air, and while it will put your eye out or sting you pretty good if it hits you, the little balls are not designed to do any real damage to anything past paper. If it lasts a couple months and then goes kaput, I'm not out much.

What was amusing were the safety instructions, in Chinese and English. They are pretty good, insofar as what they tell you about not pointing the thing in the wrong direction and all, but the images are hilarious, and a couple of the translations amusing, too. Click on the image and enjoy ...


  1. Yeah, it's particularly important to keep cats away from firearms, especially automatics.

  2. I don't think four year old children can have right concepts of using guns. While we only allow 18 years old people getting driving license but 4 years old children getting gun license,it's really idiot!

  3. Cats are evil... And the Chinese clearly understand this.

    Of course, committing armed robbery is a no-no! (See top left pic) And the hazards of interrupting someone while reading (perhaps even some of Steve's writing) can't be understated!

    (Why is the verification word psycop?)

  4. Here's an amusing footnote on the ``automatic revolver'':


  5. Scary-looking piece of hardware, Wm. Fascinating that somebody came up with such an idea, though.
