Friday, March 11, 2011

Speaking of Knives ...

Check out Chuck Pippin's work. Not only an outstanding bladesmith, but look at the leather.

Must be nice to have that kind of skill.


  1. Chuck's got a lot of skill and he's a great guy. I've made 2 knives with his guidance and they've all turned out great.

    He's just set up a FB page at:!/pages/Tribal-Edge-Blades-By-Chuck/171444296219196

    if anyone is interested.

  2. I have a kerambit Chuck presented me with a few years back, and yes, he does outstanding work. Plus he's got the martial arts background, which is always good for knifemakers who are doing blades for martial artists.

  3. Beautiful work. In all the years I've been around steel work, it so often comes off as varying degrees of manhood enlargement as usable tools. I'm glad to see knife designs here that look like they're functional.
