Saturday, March 19, 2011

Party Looms - A Funny Thought about Roy

The dinner party is today, and after a week of preparation, we are almost ready. This is why we don't entertain more often–the prep-work is a killer. But the house is clean, we've combed the dogs, and I'm about to start boiling the shrimp; already made the cocktail sauce. 

Want my recipe? I tinker with it, but the current version is two parts ketchup to one part yellow mustard, with horse radish, lemon juice, and Tabasco sauce to taste. Simple, but sufficient.

Meanwhile, I finished Roy the Demon #8, "Disco Inferno," and as I was doing it acknowledged what kind of stories they are. 

In a short, you can concentrate on one of several things: plot, character, setting, mood. Hard to work all of them into four or five thousand words, so you decide going in which you want to serve. Mostly of my stuff has been about plot. Now and then, character. Roy's adventures are more vignettes–character and setting and mood. And while not exactly a precise term here, but one I like, they are ... demon a clef tales ...

And in case you are wondering how I visualize Roy, imagine the picture above with horns and fangs ...


  1. I'm a big fan of Selleck. I think he would be very cool as a personification of Roy, lol, I bet he'd feel honored by your choice!

  2. Yep, I've always liked Tom Selleck's acting style, from Magnum on. Lately, he's done a couple things -- the Jesse Stone character, from Parker's novel series, and Blue Bloods, both roles to which he brings a certain gravitas. When Hollywood comes to cast Roy, that's who I"ll point to ...

  3. With puns like that, you're going to be spending some time with Roy.

  4. I'm already bound that way, a few more puns won't matter.
