Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Been in this house for more than a quarter-century, and when we moved in, there was a Chevron station around the corner, with one of those mini-marts connected to it. It's where I usually fill my car, because it's right there.

Was right there. 

A few days ago, they put a fence up around it. The following day, the building was empty. The day after that, they brought in a monster back-hoe. 

Now, there's an empty lot where it was, right down to the dirt.

Probably they'll replace it with another gas station. Might have an electric plug-in charging station. With gas nudging four bucks a gallon locally, that might be a good idea. 

All things must pass, I know, but it's odd to look up and see a place you got used to just ... go away. 

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