Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Check Out the Bookmark

Mark Kilbane, my movie guy, is about to flit off to Hong Kong to a film shindig to which he's been invited, looking for a possible partner with deep pockets. He made up some bookmarks, of which this is one–front and back. Neat, hey? 


  1. Very nice. I am ready to go see the movie now. Just hope they get a good director and they hire you on the set for research-tech advice.

  2. Agreed. I'm planning on seeing it twice, presuming the first time doesn't suck. Which it won't.

  3. Have you seen the movie "My Name is Modesty". It was a movie made on the cheap to keep the movie rights for the Peter O'Donnell story. I liked it a lot. Maybe this is the future of this story? I keep hoping for more of the modesty movies on the cheap.
