Friday, March 25, 2011

Book Review - The A.I. War

I am fond of doing book reviews that go something like this:

"If you are a fan of X, then all you need to know is that X's latest book in his/her series featuring Y is out. And if you aren't already a fan? You should be ..."

So herein a slight modification, because I don't want to wait:

If you are a fan of Daniel Keys Moran's novels, then all you need to know is that The A.I. War, Book One of The Continuing Time: The Big Boost, featuring Trent the Uncatchable, is, um ... almost out ...

That is to say, the book is done, save for touch-ups, of which I didn't really see any worth mentioning save one weird font toward the end, and because Dan has his own ebook store, FS&, wherein you may also find some of my stuff, that's where you'll be able to get it first. And it'll show up on, like that.

Real soon now ...

I am happy that I got a chance to be one of the first to read the novel, and tell you how good the sucker is. 

Dan says that he'll likely have a POD option, too, for those of you who still must have paper. But, of course, if you are rabid fan of Trent the Player, you won't want to wait for it to be printed, then shipped to your house. Get the e-version first, and then you can order the POD (that's print-on-demand) version later. I will do that myself. 

About the book? It's terrific. Excellent. Outstanding. Moran is one of the best space opera writers around, and for my money, if you carefully picked out the top three or four, he'd be among them. 

If you have been wondering about Trent for the last, what ... eighteen years? Here is the answer, and an e-ticket ride it is, too ...


  1. Squeeeeee!!!

    Sorry, I just got a little excited there.

  2. Being one of the folks who have been waiting those 18 years, I am jealous :)

  3. Steve, this is just cruel, given that Dan's still permabanning people on FS& for asking when it's coming out.

  4. It's not that i'm trying to lord it over anybody ...

    Okay, well, a little bit I am. But I'm just drumming up pre-pub publicity. I think the book'll do fine business without me, but it is good and I want it to be the first big space opera bestseller without a traditional publisher tie-in.

  5. Thanks, Steve.

    I believe the book will be for sale on Monday.

  6. Since you've gotten to read it perhaps you can answer one question I've been wondering about:

    Is it "half a story" or does it stand alone reasonably well on its own? I wouldn't want to wait 18 years (or even 18 months or 18 weeeks) to find out how a cliff hanger ends. I'd rather wait for both halves in that case.

  7. Mendur --

    The book is the first of a projected trilogy, but it stands alone just fine -- there's a complete story arc that resolves neatly. Of course there are going to be things about which readers will wonder, and those threads continue on, that's the nature of a series, but if you picked this one up without having read the earlier books (or having forgotten those) and there never was another novel, I think you'd find this one satisfying on its own. I did.
