Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Short Stories

Dan Moran is editing the three extant Roy the Demon short stories, and will offer them at the FS& store. I stuck up links here, but it'll be a few days before they are live, so if you click on the images now, you'll get to the store, but the stories won't be up yet. 

(EDITOR'S NOTE: They are live, as of February 2nd, 2011.)

Eventually, they'll make it to Smashwords and Amazon.com, but for the nonce, if you want to read 'em, this is where they'll be available. 

I know, I know, it's hard to wait, but ...

While you are waiting, you could buy one of my novels that are up,  or one of Stover's or Dan's book of essays and screenplays. I don't expect any of us would mind that. And it's all good.

And when I get around to it, my link defaults will be to this site for my ebooks. They will still be available at Smashwords and Amazon.com, but Dan's versions look better onscreen, cost the same, are available in all the popular formats, and he's a better publisher in general. Plus he's a nice guy and all. 

Not even to mention that if you send somebody to the site and they buy books, you will get a discount on stuff you buy. Such a deal. 

If you have a Kindle or other reader, I expect Dan can tell you which version to get and how to get one of his products into the device. 


  1. Here are direct links to the pieces -- the graphics to the side just take you to the Steve Perry page, and unless you resort or go to the next page the stories don't show up.

