Sunday, February 06, 2011

Busy Day

Down in CentCal, my nephew and his wife had their baby early this morning, 6 lbs., 9 ozs, after a forty-three hour labor, first child. Not named yet, but mother and child and dad all doing fine, albeit tired.

We just got back from the gym, and the Super Bowl is this afternoon.

The painting above, done in fluorescent colors on black velvet, is my son's latest. Cool effect under a black light. Welcome back to the psychedelic sixties posters ...

Saw a documentary last night on the Holy Modal Rounders, an early-sixties kinda-folk group out of NYC. If you remember them, it's most likely from the Easy Rider soundtrack, for their song, "If You Want to be a Bird." They were kind of anti-folks singers, back in the day, and those who are still singing, still are ...

I had dinner with one of the founders of the group when I went to NYC, back in the early '80's,  to meet and network with book editors. Peter Stampfel is married to Betsy Wollheim, and works at DAW as an associate editor, where Betsy is the publisher and senior editor. I had completely forgotten about that until I saw the documentary. 

Weird connections. And the beat goes on ...


  1. Does your son have a site set up to show his paintings?

    On another "note" - here is the link to a great (I think the best) version of a Buddy Miller song with some other great artists - it was on Soundstage on PBS a long time ago....I would like to get a dvd of it but no professional one is available to my knowledge. That Soundstage show has some great stuff on it. Anyway I thought you might get a kick out of it if you haven't seen it....or played it. I caught a little of the song - it is at the start of the new show Sons of Guns on Discovery. It is one of my favorite songs now. Damn - I have to learn to play the guitar - among the many things I have to learn still.

  2. Buddy Miller,Emmylou Harris,Shawn Colvin and Patty Griffin - Shelter Me....
