Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Official --

I am now a Registered Old Fart. Available for weddings, funerals, and general carping, as well as free-ranging "Used to be's."

"That mini-mall. Used to be a filbert orchard!"

"Dollar for a Coca Cola? Used to be a nickel!"

"Gasoline? Used to be a quarter a gallon!"

And they say memory is the second thing to go. First thing to go? Um ... Ah ... ?


  1. Come with a white belt and shoes?
    Don forget velcro laces.

  2. Yep. Trousers you belt just under your sternum, and garters for your socks, too. Already got the hearing aids and glasses.

  3. Dollar for a coca cola? It's $2.50 at the restaurants around here. You're living in the past, old man ...

  4. Who buys Coke at a restaurant? Or a movie?

    Six pack at Safeway, just under a buck a can. Twelve-pack, runs about 70 cents. I'm old, but I can still read the prices, sonny ...

  5. And disco is now an antique fad valued solely for parodying. But- but- but-

  6. Ah, a cultural misunderstanding. We're good liberal Los Angeleans. We only ever drink coke in restaurants. At home we drink triple filtered molecularly pure dihydrogen oxide diffused through sacred tea leaves imported from the Ganges Valley. Or so we tell the neighbors.

    Sometimes they don't have it in restaurants, though, so then you settle.

  7. And in just a few more years you'll be a Harmless Old Fart: even better! Being invisible to the younger generation does have it's advantages, though. Remember the Alice Sheldon story "The Women Men Don't See"? It works for both sexes, you know...

  8. Restaurant? Used to be an orange tree orchard!
