Friday, January 07, 2011

I Got Crystal Balls

Been working on this sleight. Two versions: See which you like better ...


  1. The second one - how did you do that?!

  2. A magician never tells how he does his trick ...

  3. I think the 2nd one looks better, but it it might be due to the greater distance between your hands vs. the 1st one.

    This is shrimp by the way....

  4. 1st looks better for real look - but that's because the 2nd one is edited backwards - At least thats how it looks to me.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Of course the second version is a film trick -- run in reverse, as Ed pointed out.

    The first is a legitimate sleight, and what I used to set up the second. If I'd just posted the second, most folks would have immediately known what it was. But since the first version is "real," that tends to sell the outright fake.

    The secret of a good lie is to tell as much truth as you can.

    The hand isn't usually quicker than the eye, but the eye is easily led astray ...

  7. And I got to look at it more than once - which always helps.
