Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Colors, Man, the Colors ...

Got another opthalmic migraine. Happening right now. Per the advice of my eye doc after the first one, I'm just sitting back and enjoying the show. Not nearly so nerve-wracking when you know what it is ...

I'm getting swirly flashes of light at the right periphery of my left eye, mostly gone after about twenty minutes.

Cheap entertainment ...


  1. Sometimes I get sheets of light crossing my vision. Except when I'm driving, I kind of enjoy it.

  2. I just had a scintillating scotoma, which is very similar in appearance to what you had, but in both eyes at the same time ( ). Thanks to your post here I knew what it was and that it was harmless so I didn't panic.
    So thank you very much for saving me from a lot of anguish :)
    Now I hope there is no migraine following the light show.
